
发布时间:2024-01-25          阅读:7

1.    《雅思学术英语》   周三3-4  科研楼209


任课教师:Benedict David Byrne


IELTS Academic English (Speaking and Writing)


The IELTS Speaking and Writing Training Course is designed to give students the skills and strategies needed to excel in the IELTS examination. This course focuses specifically on the speaking and writing modules, recognizing their pivotal role in determining a candidate's proficiency in English. Through a combination of interactive lessons, practical exercises, and personalized feedback, students will gain confidence and competence in expressing themselves fluently and coherently, both in written form and during spoken interactions.

Cambridge English IELTS textbooks will be used as the core texts for the course. Students should have an adequate base in spoken and written English. Assessment via mock speaking and writing examinations based on IELTS tests.


2.    《英语演讲》 周一3-4  科研楼209


任课教师:Wayne Mundel

Public Speaking for Conferences and Seminars (with a focus on the Geosciences)

This course provides instruction and practice in preparation and delivery of speeches within a public setting and group discussion. Emphasis is on research, preparation, delivery, and evaluation of informative, persuasive, and special occasion public speaking with a focus on the Geosciences. There will also be a brief introduction to the basic skills of debating. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare and deliver well-organized speeches and participate in group discussion with appropriate audiovisual support. Students should also demonstrate the speaking, listening, and interpersonal skills necessary to be effective communicators in academic settings.

Assessment will be by individual and group presentation. Students should also demonstrate the speaking, listening and interpersonal skills necessary to be effective communicators in academic settings.



3.    《跨文化交际》  周三3-4  科研楼316


任课教师:Robert James Fitzgibbon


Cross-Cultural Communication

Are you interested in meeting new people from across the globe? Have you ever wondered, what makes us different and what makes us similar? What is culture? What is language? Cross cultural-communication is the science dedicated to studying why humans are so very different across our planet and yet can be friends and work towards a common humanity and shared goals. Come and learn the foundations of language, politeness, and expressions of friendship. Learn how to not offend our fellow humans, and spread Chinese warmth to fellow partners in business and science. This class will be useful to all of those who have an interest in taking their knowledge and expertise to new and exciting places internationally.

Classes are weekly and judged by a final research project, in which you will present a country or culture of the world to your classmates, and tell us what makes them both different and similar to the Chinese.